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Rubber shock absorbers, rubber metal "BELL"





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The rubber shock absorbers, rubber metal consists of a base and a bell in galvanized iron. The compound used is natural rubber 60 Sh of the highest quality.

The use is particularly widespread in all kinds of motors and generators.


And 'possible to produce anti-vibration rubber with different characteristics, hardness Shore A type of basic compound, surface treatments or coatings on metal parts.


BELL T1 / DT1 / D882368M848186.24238
BELL T1T18823688.248 186.24238
BELL T2 / DT2 / D1003085M1062258.25550
BELL T2T2100308510.262 258.25550
BELL T3 / DT3 / D13045110M16924210.28073.5
BELL T3T31304511016.292 4210.28073.5
BELL T4 / DT4 / D19050160M241096016.210898.5
BELL T4T41905016024.2109 6016.210898.5

The data shown in the diagram above, may vary due to problems of realization. For any questions, feel free to contact us by going to the special section of CONTACTS to ask advice.

Software by Tommy Marasco