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Rubber shock absorbers, METAL RUBBER ENGINE MOUNT> 60 <





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The special section called for shear and compression allows the use of cargoes with good axial deflections. The supports are fitted with two lock washers to limit overloads. They are particularly suitable for use as engine mounts and cab.


CodeHardness (IRHD) ABCF1CF2L1L2F1S1 F2 D1 - D2 - F1 - S2 Average Stiffness (kg / mm) Max load (kg) Max Deflection (mm)
MA 145604580-1077012.12.51155 to 50 - 12.2 - 3.5201005
MA 260604580-107 7012.12.51155 to 50 - 12.2 - 3.5 341705
MA 370604580-1077012.12.51155 to 50 - 12.2 - 3.5502505

The data shown in the diagram above, may vary due to problems of realization. For any questions, feel free to contact us by going to the special section of CONTACTS to ask advice.

Software by Tommy Marasco